Faith Formation

No matter one’s age, our faith is always in formation.
At Saint Cecilia, we accompany and support you wherever you are.

Children's Faith Formation (K—Grade 6)

At Saint Cecilia, we partner with parents to nurture and support the spiritual and religious potential of our children. We provide an atmosphere where children are exposed to Sacred Scripture, the celebration of the sacraments, prayer, and works of justice and mercy—all within the context of Catholic tradition and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Our Children’s Faith Formation Program is for children in kindergarten through tenth grade and runs from late September through early May. The sacraments of reconciliation and First Holy Communion take place in second grade, and the sacrament of confirmation takes place in tenth grade.

Although we have many seasoned catechists, we are always looking for new teachers to guide and nurture the spiritual potential of our children. If communicating with parents, preparing weekly lessons, and engaging with children comes to you with ease, please inquire about becoming a catechist.

Youth Faith Formation (Grades 7—10)

Youth Ministry at Saint Cecilia brings high school students together to deepen their relationship with God and others by offering opportunities to grow in friendship, serve others in our community, and experience God’s unconditional love. Hospitality and welcome are what make Saint Cecilia so special, and all high school students are guaranteed to find a non-judgmental, caring, and supportive space here to tackle the big questions life throws at us. As we build this new ministry, we’re looking for high school students willing to help us plan activities and experiences for their peers—like community service opportunities, game nights, overnight retreats, camping and ski trips, and more!  Adults are also needed as mentors and companions, willing to accompany young people through the wild, messy, and exciting journey of adolescence.

Becoming Catholic as an Adult (RCIA)

Christian Initiation into the Catholic Church

Saint Cecilia Parish welcomes those seeking fuller participation in the life of the Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the communal process through which non-baptized adults become members of the Catholic Church. It is also suitable for those who have been baptized in other Christian traditions but feel called to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, as well as for those individuals baptized in the Catholic Church who have yet to receive the sacraments of Eucharist and confirmation. Weekly sessions are held from September through April and a team approach is used. RCIA team members must have a love of the Catholic faith and a desire to be companions for others who are discerning a call to a deeper relationship with the Church. While it is not necessary to have a theological background, RCIA team members should be men and women of prayer who can speak openly about their relationship with God.

“So often people say that we should look to the elderly, learn from their wisdom, their many years.
I disagree, I say we should look to the young: untarnished, without stereotypes implanted in their minds, no poison, no hatred in their hearts.
When we learn to see life through the eyes of a child, that is when we become truly wise.”

– Saint Teresa of Calcutta

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