Our Mission

At Saint Cecilia, our mission is to:

Discover the God who loves you.

Engage with a parish that supports you.  

Serve the world that needs you.

The journey of our spiritual life, like the start of any journey, begins in the place we find ourselves right now—with our talents and gifts, but also with our questions, doubts, fears, and imperfections. Through engaging worship, challenging preaching, and a welcoming community, we encounter the God who meets us precisely where we are. And we believe that this discovery happens in the midst of a supportive community. The outcome of this encounter with God in the context of community is the desire to serve others. At Saint Cecilia, we’d love to companion with you. We have something good to offer and invite you to join us and help shape that offering. Wherever you are, it is the right place to seek, find, and be an instrument of God’s transforming grace in the world.

All Are Welcome!

Believing that all persons are created in God’s image and have been endowed with sacred worth; believing that Jesus’ message was one of inclusion of those rejected by mainstream society; and believing that each person has inherent dignity and makes unique contributions to the Body of Christ—Saint Cecilia Parish welcomes people of every age, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic condition, family structure, and physical or mental ability. Wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to learn more about us, worship with us, and share your gifts with us!

Our Values

Catholic Social Teaching helps form and guide the way we respond to one another and to the world around us. At Saint Cecilia, we are committed to promoting the life and dignity of the human person—the foundational theme of Catholic Social Teaching. There are many ways we live out this commitment—through our care for individuals who are unhoused or experiencing food insecurity or financial instability; by welcoming with open arms the LGBTQ+ community and being supportive allies and reminders of how much God loves those of us who are LGBTQ+; and by standing in solidarity with those of us who struggle with addiction. In addition to these areas, we are working to become an antiracist parish in all aspects of what we do. To move in this direction, we are listening, reading to learn (and unlearn), reflecting together, and educating ourselves. 

“God has called you for who you are. He wants you as you are for your uniqueness.” 

–Archbishop Desmond Tutu 

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